Saturday, July 26, 2008


Ivy's Coffee Shop was located on the Northwest corner
of Hawthorne Blvd and El Segundo.

Ivy's Coffee Shop

Arman's Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners was directly across
the street from Ivy's, on the Northeast corner of Hawthorne Blvd and El Segundo.


Help! Can someone please tell me exactly where the Wallich's Music City store in the South Bay was located? I know it was on Hawthorne & Artesia, but WHERE on Hawthorne & Artesia? I'm assuming that it was in the lot on the Southeast side of Hawthorne Blvd, in the building that later became a Big Bens music store and then a Warehouse Music store? Am I right? Email me:

And stay tuned for more pictures of vintage Hawthorne.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Vintage Hawthorne Boulevard Pictures!!

I recently unearthed some pictures of Hawthorne Blvd in the late 1950's. The scans are pretty big, so if your browser is cutting off a portion of the picture, just click on it and the full image will appear.

Looking Northwest at the intersection of Hawthorne Blvd & 133rd Street: on the far left is a piece of Dairy Freeze/Frosties - THEE after game hang out for Hawthorne High School students. The Modern Way building still stands, though the business is long gone. Next to it is the United Hardware store before they built the bigger building. They're gone now, of course, and the building now houses a store called Clothing Outlet. The vacant lot next to it is were Dennys Restaurant is now. The Thrifty Drug Store building is now "$5.99 Clothing." And Food Giant is now a 99 Cents Only store.

Hawthorne Blvd @ 133rd St. #3

Hawthorne Blvd @ 133rd St. #2

Hawthorne Blvd @ 133rd St. #1

Now we're seeing the Northeastern side of Hawthorne Blvd. Check out all the furniture stores: Friendly Furniture, Hawthorne Furniture Co... The Lloyd Dennees sign is in the distance. Do you see the Melody Music store sign?


We're still at the intersection of Hawthorne & 133rd Street, but now we're looking at the Southwestern side of the Blvd. ( If only we could point the camera to the left and see Pizza Show.) Eddings Bros. Auto Parts still has a presence in Hawthorne, though that building is long gone.


I'm looking for more picture of Hawthorne Blvd in the 1950's and 60's for a book I'm writing about Beach Boys related landmarks in Southern California. If you have anything that you think I might be interested in (or if you would like to pre-order the book), please email me at
Compton Blvd & Willowbrook Ave. Compton, California, 1950's.
Take note of the Pacific Electric railway car in the center of the picture.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

This super-8 footage was shot by my Grandfather, Lee Hoffman, in November 1966. My family lived on Truro Ave at the time so some of the footage was shot there as well as on 120th Street, Eucalyptus Ave and some streets I don't recognize.

I'm currently in the process of writing a book about the Beach Boys and need photographs of Hawthorne in the 1950s and 60's. I'm especially interested in finding pictures of all the hotspots on Hawthorne Blvd back then... Fosters Freeze, Dairy Freeze, A&W, Biggies, Chips, etc. If you have pictures that you would like to share, PLEASE contact me asap. Email me at

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Grolmus Electric Co.

Hawthorne, California. Circa 1950's.

These photos were taken by my Grandfather, Leland E. Hoffman. He repaired televisions as a side-job back in the 1950's , so this must've been a shop he did some business at.

Grolmus Electric Co. Hawthorne, CA.

Grolmus Electric Co.  - Hawthorne, CA

Does anyone know where this is/was ?

Chuck Kelley